When you click on the General Notes node of the navigation tree, on the left of the DC Password And Encrypted Data Manager, you will see the following screen. This section of the application, allows you to store just about any kind of written information in the form of notes, which you can optionally organize using categories. Note the following information on how you can go about doing so.
When creating or editing a record, you may optionally create, modify, and/or assign one or more categories to it. For more information on categories, including how to use them, see here.
Displaying Records
The DC Password And Encrypted Data Manager allows you to display Password records under a selected category, or to display all records. If you would like to see all your General Notes records displayed, select the Show All Records check box on the ribbon bar, at the middle of the ribbon bar. If you would like to view your records by category, unselect the Show All Records check box on the ribbon bar, then select the category of records you would like to interact with, by selecting the name of the category, in the Category combo box, below the Names list box, to the left of the application.
Selecting the Show All Records check box on the ribbon bar, is invaluable when you want to locate a record, and you are not certain which category it belongs to, or if it was assigned a category.
Hiding / Showing Your Note
The DC Password And Encrypted Data Manager allows you to hide the note for your General Notes record, the same way it hides your password in Password records - with bullet characters. To hide the note for you General Notes record, click on the Hide Note button, in the middle of the ribbon bar, so that it remains in a depressed position. To reveal your note, click on the Hide Note button, in the middle of the ribbon bar, so that it remains in an undepressed position. The Hide Note button toggles between hiding your note, and revealing it.
Copying Fields
Apart from the regular tools that are available to copy, cut, and paste data from or into the application, the DC Password And Encrypted Data Manager allows you to copy whole field values from records. For example, you can click on the Copy Note button on the left of the ribbon bar, to directly copy the whole note field into the clipboard, so that you can paste the data into another application. You can also click on the down arrow of the Copy Field button, on the ribbon bar, and select another field, to copy the field's whole value to the clipboard.
Clearing the Clipboard
The DC Password And Encrypted Data Manager, includes a Clear Clipboard button on the left of the ribbon bar, to clear any value you may have previously copied to the clipboard. This can be used for example after you copied a confidential note to the clipboard, to paste it into a word processor. Clearing the clipboard can be used as a counter measure against attackers, using tools to retrieve data from your clipboard, in an effort to gain access to your confidential information.
Sorting Records
After you have created a new record, or modified the name of a record, you may want to sort your General Notes records to make it easy to find them afterwards. To do this, simply click on the Sort Records button in the middle of the ribbon bar.
Please note, whenever you select a new category in the Category combo box below the Names list box on the left of the application, the DC Password And Encrypted Data Manager automatically sorts the records. Also when you select the Show All Records check box in the middle of the ribbon bar, your records become automatically sorted. When records are saved and retrieved from file, they are automatically sorted as well.